Enyekala (Must Test)—World Of Ice & Stone

You must test survival, upon the coldest sea.


This server uses almost the entire Minetest Game, but heavily modified for improved survival challenge. Many additional mods are added. Some of these include (all modified from their originals and/or completely custom):

* Mobs (arrrrgh!)
* Hunger, Sprint & Stamina
* Diamond-Block Teleports
* Markers
* Dual Layer Nether
* Cursed World (obsidian gates)
* Flameportal
* Caverealms (using Valleys’ massive caverns)
* Bedrock (under the nether, not above it — yes, you can dig to the nether)
* Bandages
* Protectors
* Carts
* Moretrees (custom version)
* Moreores (yum, ores!)
* Moreblocks
* Mese Crystal Farming
* Technic-Style Machines (completely custom)
* Antisneak (no sneak-ladder ‘cheat’)
* 3D Armor & Wield3D
* Falling Nodes Extras
* … Many more

Full Modlist for Must Test

Well actually, this is just a directory listing. A lot of mod code is hidden in unlikely places. Organization? What’s that? I often can’t find something three months after I wrote it ….

3d_armor	    darkage		    jail	      rosestone
3d_armor_stand	    darkgen		    jarkati	      rubber
ab		    decorations_sea	    jaunt	      safe
ac		    default		    jumping	      sand
admin_tnt	    default_stairs	    jungletree	      sandman
afk		    defenestrate	    kalite	      sauth
akalin		    depositor		    key		      sawdust
alatro		    dirtleaf		    kickall	      scaffolding
alloy_recipes	    dirtspread		    kill	      schematic_find
aloevera	    distributer		    lagwing	      screwdriver
ambiance	    dk_crafts		    lapis	      serveressentials
animalworld	    dk_reinforced	    lattice	      sfn
anticurse	    dk_stairs		    lava	      shears
antisneak	    dk_walls		    lava_extras       sheep
anvil		    dm			    lavacooling       sheriff
ap		    doors		    lbrim	      shields
armor_crafts	    droplift		    lead	      shout
arol		    dryleaves		    lightsplus	      signs
auth2		    dumpnodes		    lily_growth       silicon
bags		    dungeon_loot	    luxore	      simple_skins
bakedclay	    dusts		    machines	      skeleton
bandages	    dye			    mailbox	      sky
banned_names	    dye_extracts	    mailgui	      sleds
barter_table	    easyvend		    map		      snow
basictools	    echo		    mapfix	      snow_bricks
basictrees	    electric_alloy_furnace  mapgen	      snowscatter
battery		    electric_furnace	    maptools	      sprint
bedrock		    elevator		    marker	      stack_filter
beds		    email		    memorandum	      stainless_steel
binoculars	    engraver		    mese_crystals     stairs
blueberries	    enhanced_leafdecay	    mese_post	      starpearl
bluegrass	    exile		    mob_spawn	      static_spawnpoint
boats		    extra_stairs	    mobs	      status
bone_collector	    extra_walls		    moreblocks	      stoneman
bone_mark	    extractor		    morechests	      stoneworld
bonemeal	    falldamage		    moregrass	      sulfur
bones		    falling		    moreores	      sumpf
books		    farming		    morerocks	      survivalist
books_placeable     farming_redo	    moretrees	      sw
brass		    fencelike		    mossgrowth	      swamp
bronze		    fine_wire		    motd	      switching_station
bucket		    fire		    mr_extra	      sysdmg
cable		    firetree		    mtflower	      talinite
cans		    flameportal		    nether	      tape_measure
carbon_steel	    flint_and_steel	    nethermapgen      techcrafts
carrot		    flowerpot		    nethervine	      teleports
carts		    flowerpot_ex	    network_whois     thorium
cast_iron	    flowers		    networks	      throwing
castle_lighting     fortress		    node_blackout     tinderbox
castle_masonry	    fruitscatter	    nodeupdate	      titanium
cavegen		    gauges		    nssm	      tnt
cavestuff	    gdac		    obsidian_gateway  tomato
centrifuge	    gdac_invis		    obsidianmonster   tooldata
centrifuge_recipes  gem_cutter		    oerkki	      toolranks
chains		    gem_mapgen		    onions	      torches
charcoal	    gem_minerals	    oregen	      torchmelt
chat_colorize	    gem_tools		    ossl	      transformer
chat_command	    generator		    papyrus_bed       trash
chat_controls	    geothermal_generator    passport	      tree_tap
chat_core	    ghost_stone		    pd		      trunkgen
chat_echo	    give_initial_stuff	    plastic	      uranium
chat_logging	    glowstone		    player	      utility
chest_api	    golem		    player_labels     vessels
chests		    griefer		    pm		      vine_extract
chromium	    grinder		    portal_cb	      vines
circular_saw	    grinder_fuel	    potatoes	      voidchest
city_block	    gstairs		    pova	      voidstone
clear_inventory     guicolors		    preload_tp	      wallplaster
cloaking	    handholds		    privs	      walls
clock		    hb4			    protector	      warthog
coal_alloy_furnace  heal		    pumpkin	      welcome_msg
cobble_bomb	    heatdamage		    quartz	      whitestone
cobble_furnace	    help		    quartz_ex	      wield3d
coffee_bush	    hud			    rackstone	      wieldhand
colony		    hunger		    randspawn	      wizard
command_tokens	    ice			    raspberries       wool
commandtools	    iceman		    rat		      wool_slabs
compressor	    icicle_farming	    rc		      worldedit
concrete	    ingots		    readexec	      ww
configurator	    injector		    real_torch	      xban2
controler	    instability		    reboot	      xdecor
converter	    integration		    recall	      xp
coresounds	    inventory_plus	    redshroom	      xpanes
craft_register	    itemburn		    redstone_furnace  xstuff
cucumber	    itemframes		    refill	      zcg
currency	    itempickup		    reload	      zinc
cw		    itemstring		    rename