Enyekala (Must Test)—World Of Ice & Stone

You must test survival, upon the coldest sea.

Player Chatlog

This log includes player chat and public server messages. The same chat is visible here that would be visible to you if you were logged into the server with the Minetest client. This page shows the most recent chat from today by default; fill in the date field to view chat from any other day.

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Select date to show log from, or leave empty to view the most recent chat from today. Note: there are no logs before 2017/07/03. That’s the date the chatlog was implemented.

Displaying log from today.

[2025/03/30, 18:24:39 UTC]    # Server: <Juniper> has plane shifted to Outback.
[2025/03/30, 18:25:18 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> WHoa, Juniper, voluntarily?
[2025/03/30, 18:25:30 UTC]    <hlqkj> No death message, so prolly yes
[2025/03/30, 18:25:50 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> Maybe escorted by DMs XD
[2025/03/30, 18:26:02 UTC]    *** <opossum> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 18:26:10 UTC]    <opossum> hi
[2025/03/30, 18:26:12 UTC]    <hlqkj> "Escorted" LOL
[2025/03/30, 18:26:15 UTC]    <hlqkj> Hello opossum :)
[2025/03/30, 18:26:28 UTC]    <kievski> Hi opossum
[2025/03/30, 18:27:30 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <hlqkj> for lag. Chunks: 20.
[2025/03/30, 18:30:06 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <hlqkj> for lag. Chunks: 15.
[2025/03/30, 18:31:08 UTC]    # Server: <Juniper> has plane shifted to Saravinca.
[2025/03/30, 18:32:14 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <hlqkj> for lag. Chunks: 23.
[2025/03/30, 18:34:16 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <hlqkj> for lag. Chunks: 39.
[2025/03/30, 18:36:18 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <hlqkj> for lag. Chunks: 46.
[2025/03/30, 18:36:30 UTC]    <hlqkj> See you later :)
[2025/03/30, 18:36:34 UTC]    *** <hlqkj> left the game.
[2025/03/30, 18:37:10 UTC]    <Prairiesky> bye!
[2025/03/30, 18:38:42 UTC]    # Server: <Juniper> has plane shifted to Outback.
[2025/03/30, 18:40:31 UTC]    # Server: Being hurt reduces your ability to sprint and jump.
[2025/03/30, 18:44:33 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <Juniper> for lag. Chunks: 17.
[2025/03/30, 18:48:57 UTC]    # Server: An explorer finished off a Giant White Wolf with great prejudice.
[2025/03/30, 18:49:26 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> Juniper: you don't speak today? :(
[2025/03/30, 18:50:20 UTC]    <Juniper> Come to me at Outback, I will even give you tea ))
[2025/03/30, 18:50:46 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> I already have tea, but thanks for the offer :)
[2025/03/30, 18:51:04 UTC]    <Juniper> Night on the street, it's time to sleep and not talk ))
[2025/03/30, 18:51:12 UTC]    <Prairiesky> which planet is tea found on?
[2025/03/30, 18:51:23 UTC]    <opossum> Icecity
[2025/03/30, 18:51:38 UTC]    <Prairiesky> oh, a new plant in the wild?
[2025/03/30, 18:51:42 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> hjahahah
[2025/03/30, 18:52:32 UTC]    <kievski> yeah, just seen tea stuff in the craft guide
[2025/03/30, 18:53:25 UTC]    <Prairiesky> there's no tea tree....
[2025/03/30, 18:53:42 UTC]    <opossum> plant
[2025/03/30, 18:54:17 UTC]    <Prairiesky> does the sunfire tree grow?
[2025/03/30, 18:54:52 UTC]    <kievski> only in Ir-Xen
[2025/03/30, 18:55:07 UTC]    # Server: An explorer ruthlessly clonked a Sheep over the head using his 'Amethyst Sword' with silent skill.
[2025/03/30, 18:55:18 UTC]    <kievski> it's a bit hit and miss though, at least for me
[2025/03/30, 18:55:18 UTC]    <Prairiesky> hmmm, haven't been there yet; and how do you dig the irx stone?
[2025/03/30, 18:55:49 UTC]    <kievski> mithril pick works fine
[2025/03/30, 18:56:08 UTC]    <Prairiesky> i tried, it just disappeared :(
[2025/03/30, 18:56:33 UTC]    <kievski> oh
[2025/03/30, 18:56:52 UTC]    <Prairiesky> i'm going to try gemstone picks next
[2025/03/30, 18:57:30 UTC]    <Prairiesky> it's the stone that looks like oil slick
[2025/03/30, 18:57:40 UTC]    <Prairiesky> on the garage floor i should say
[2025/03/30, 18:57:44 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/03/30, 18:58:00 UTC]    <kievski> let me go to I-xen and check
[2025/03/30, 18:58:08 UTC]    <Prairiesky> the fractured stone can be pickaxed
[2025/03/30, 18:58:16 UTC]    <kievski> yep
[2025/03/30, 18:58:28 UTC]    <opossum> its cobble
[2025/03/30, 18:58:32 UTC]    <opossum> cook it
[2025/03/30, 18:58:34 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> Juniper: you're homeless? :O
[2025/03/30, 18:59:24 UTC]    <Prairiesky> the smelted ir xen stone yes, i hope i can pickax it when i try again
[2025/03/30, 19:00:55 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 11 hours.
[2025/03/30, 19:00:56 UTC]    # Server: <kievski> has plane shifted to Carcorsica.
[2025/03/30, 19:02:22 UTC]    *** <Mango> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 19:02:38 UTC]    <kievski> Hi Mango
[2025/03/30, 19:02:46 UTC]    <Prairiesky> hi Mango
[2025/03/30, 19:02:58 UTC]    <Mango> hello kievski and Prairiesky and LGNWolfChaser and Juniper and opossum :))))))
[2025/03/30, 19:03:03 UTC]    <opossum> hi
[2025/03/30, 19:03:15 UTC]    <Juniper> Hi Mango :)
[2025/03/30, 19:03:23 UTC]    *** <Mango> left the game.
[2025/03/30, 19:04:57 UTC]    <kievski> Prairiesky: digging irx stone gives you the fractured irx. guess you figured that out
[2025/03/30, 19:05:34 UTC]    <Prairiesky> well it should? maybe i didn't notice....am i getting demented?
[2025/03/30, 19:05:50 UTC]    <Prairiesky> lol
[2025/03/30, 19:05:55 UTC]    <kievski> :)
[2025/03/30, 19:09:09 UTC]    *** <Mango> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 19:10:17 UTC]    # Server: A Dungeon Master fell apart under an explorer's attack.
[2025/03/30, 19:10:48 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <Juniper> for lag. Chunks: 9.
[2025/03/30, 19:11:13 UTC]    # Server: A Dungeon Master fought an angry explorer to the death and lost painfully.
[2025/03/30, 19:13:08 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/03/30, 19:14:08 UTC]    <Juniper> I love this world - 4 blocks of mese
[2025/03/30, 19:14:15 UTC]    <Mango> dm?
[2025/03/30, 19:14:32 UTC]    <Juniper> No - pickaxe ))
[2025/03/30, 19:14:42 UTC]    <Mango> carcorsica surface?
[2025/03/30, 19:15:02 UTC]    <Juniper> Yes
[2025/03/30, 19:15:09 UTC]    <Mango> mhm, lovely place
[2025/03/30, 19:15:25 UTC]    <Mango> surface blocks just once for me
[2025/03/30, 19:21:07 UTC]    <opossum> where are flowers?
[2025/03/30, 19:21:28 UTC]    <Mango> who are you talking to?
[2025/03/30, 19:21:38 UTC]    <opossum> you
[2025/03/30, 19:21:40 UTC]    <Mango> what flowers?
[2025/03/30, 19:21:45 UTC]    <opossum> any
[2025/03/30, 19:21:57 UTC]    <opossum> where can i find
[2025/03/30, 19:22:02 UTC]    <Mango> overworld - some mountains
[2025/03/30, 19:22:16 UTC]    <Mango> xen
[2025/03/30, 19:22:29 UTC]    <opossum> ok
[2025/03/30, 19:22:36 UTC]    <Mango> shops
[2025/03/30, 19:22:37 UTC]    <opossum> thx
[2025/03/30, 19:22:46 UTC]    <Mango> my chest
[2025/03/30, 19:22:47 UTC]    <opossum> shop is empty
[2025/03/30, 19:22:58 UTC]    <kievski> some in the Nether, Carcorsica, Ir-Xen, Jarkati
[2025/03/30, 19:23:03 UTC]    <Mango> what exeactly you look for?
[2025/03/30, 19:23:54 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/03/30, 19:24:14 UTC]    <opossum> dandelion, tulip, rose viola
[2025/03/30, 19:25:07 UTC]    <Mango> not sure about 'rose viole' got red and white rose
[2025/03/30, 19:25:16 UTC]    <opossum> rose, viola
[2025/03/30, 19:25:27 UTC]    <Mango> what rose need?
[2025/03/30, 19:25:28 UTC]    <kievski> does the GreenHouse in IceCity have some?
[2025/03/30, 19:25:36 UTC]    <opossum> empty
[2025/03/30, 19:25:41 UTC]    <kievski> ok
[2025/03/30, 19:26:00 UTC]    <Mango> Dandelions are in outback
[2025/03/30, 19:26:05 UTC]    <Mango> 1
[2025/03/30, 19:27:05 UTC]    <opossum> i dont die
[2025/03/30, 19:27:40 UTC]    <Mango> you ask help with that?
[2025/03/30, 19:27:46 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <Mango> for lag. Chunks: 10.
[2025/03/30, 19:27:54 UTC]    <opossum> no just info
[2025/03/30, 19:28:26 UTC]    <Mango> you can visit outback with new player to check if there is dandelion, but if you don't know the place it would be hard
[2025/03/30, 19:28:27 UTC]    # Server: <Juniper> has plane shifted to Carcorsica.
[2025/03/30, 19:29:01 UTC]    *** <Prairiesky> left the game. (Broken connection.)
[2025/03/30, 19:29:01 UTC]    *** <kievski> left the game. (Broken connection.)
[2025/03/30, 19:29:01 UTC]    *** <Juniper> left the game. (Broken connection.)
[2025/03/30, 19:29:01 UTC]    *** <LGNWolfChaser> left the game. (Broken connection.)
[2025/03/30, 19:29:01 UTC]    *** <opossum> left the game. (Broken connection.)
[2025/03/30, 19:29:01 UTC]    *** <Mango> left the game. (Broken connection.)
[2025/03/30, 19:31:02 UTC]    *** <Mango> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 19:31:10 UTC]    *** <opossum> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 19:31:32 UTC]    <opossum> hi
[2025/03/30, 19:32:08 UTC]    <Mango> i don't have viola
[2025/03/30, 19:32:08 UTC]    *** <Juniper> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 19:32:15 UTC]    <Mango> tulip is orange
[2025/03/30, 19:32:21 UTC]    <opossum> i will look
[2025/03/30, 19:32:56 UTC]    *** <Prairiesky> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 19:34:02 UTC]    *** <olga_ru> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 19:34:15 UTC]    # Server: <olga_ru> was kicked off the server.
[2025/03/30, 19:34:15 UTC]    *** <olga_ru> left the game.
[2025/03/30, 19:34:19 UTC]    *** <LGNWolfChaser> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 19:34:47 UTC]    *** <olga_ru> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 19:35:20 UTC]    <Mango> privet olga_ru
[2025/03/30, 19:35:21 UTC]    <olga_ru> hi all
[2025/03/30, 19:35:27 UTC]    <olga_ru> Privet
[2025/03/30, 19:35:40 UTC]    <opossum> hi
[2025/03/30, 19:35:41 UTC]    <Juniper> Hi Olga! :)
[2025/03/30, 19:35:42 UTC]    *** <Mango> left the game.
[2025/03/30, 19:35:52 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> hi Olga
[2025/03/30, 19:36:01 UTC]    *** <speedpig> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 19:36:05 UTC]    <olga_ru> how to look mail here?
[2025/03/30, 19:36:38 UTC]    <speedpig> e and left clikc key
[2025/03/30, 19:36:46 UTC]    <Juniper> In KoC?
[2025/03/30, 19:37:07 UTC]    <speedpig> with KoC in hand
[2025/03/30, 19:37:07 UTC]    <olga_ru> e
[2025/03/30, 19:37:38 UTC]    <speedpig> olga_ru: tebe nuzhen 'Key'
[2025/03/30, 19:39:03 UTC]    <speedpig> Key of citizenship - look for this in craft journal
[2025/03/30, 19:39:15 UTC]    <olga_ru> a sa4em on?
[2025/03/30, 19:40:20 UTC]    <speedpig> to access mail
[2025/03/30, 19:40:22 UTC]    # Server: Coffin detected. <Juniper> threw out the book at (Carcorsica: 3289,2330,8512).
[2025/03/30, 19:40:24 UTC]    # Server: <Juniper> has plane shifted to Outback.
[2025/03/30, 19:43:35 UTC]    <speedpig> ty opossum, planted my first viola :D
[2025/03/30, 19:43:42 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <opossum> for lag. Chunks: 12.
[2025/03/30, 19:44:21 UTC]    <Prairiesky> hi opossum, olga_ru, speedpig!
[2025/03/30, 19:44:27 UTC]    <opossum> hi
[2025/03/30, 19:44:31 UTC]    <olga_ru> hi
[2025/03/30, 19:44:34 UTC]    <speedpig> hi Prairiesky
[2025/03/30, 19:46:48 UTC]    # Server: A Sheep was viciously assassinated by a frenzied <olga_ru>'s 'Iron Sword'.
[2025/03/30, 19:47:03 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <opossum> for lag. Chunks: 39.
[2025/03/30, 19:49:45 UTC]    <opossum> sleep plz?
[2025/03/30, 19:50:31 UTC]    <olga_ru> lashte wse spat poshalujsto!
[2025/03/30, 19:51:35 UTC]    <!Juniper!> Sleep please, guys
[2025/03/30, 19:51:43 UTC]    *** <speedpig> left the game.
[2025/03/30, 19:51:58 UTC]    <opossum> thx
[2025/03/30, 19:53:24 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <opossum> for lag. Chunks: 5.
[2025/03/30, 19:55:28 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <opossum> for lag. Chunks: 31.
[2025/03/30, 19:57:29 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <opossum> for lag. Chunks: 45.
[2025/03/30, 19:58:21 UTC]    # Server: A Sheep didn't get out of <olga_ru>'s way in time.
[2025/03/30, 19:59:02 UTC]    <olga_ru> ???
[2025/03/30, 19:59:35 UTC]    <olga_ru> nee
[2025/03/30, 19:59:38 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <opossum> for lag. Chunks: 58.
[2025/03/30, 20:00:58 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 10 hours.
[2025/03/30, 20:01:39 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <opossum> for lag. Chunks: 27.
[2025/03/30, 20:03:35 UTC]    *** <shrit> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 20:03:48 UTC]    # Server: <shrit> was kicked off the server.
[2025/03/30, 20:03:48 UTC]    *** <shrit> left the game.
[2025/03/30, 20:04:16 UTC]    # Server: Talk from someone hidden in case of uninteresting language.
[2025/03/30, 20:04:17 UTC]    *** <shrit> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 20:04:18 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <opossum> for lag. Chunks: 38.
[2025/03/30, 20:04:35 UTC]    *** <olga_ru> left the game.
[2025/03/30, 20:06:38 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <opossum> for lag. Chunks: 33.
[2025/03/30, 20:07:44 UTC]    <Juniper> Hi shrit
[2025/03/30, 20:07:58 UTC]    # Server: All positions printed in server chat are realm-local.
[2025/03/30, 20:10:41 UTC]    # Server: An Iceland Native didn't get out of <opossum>'s way in time.
[2025/03/30, 20:11:54 UTC]    <opossum> sleep plz?
[2025/03/30, 20:12:41 UTC]    *** <opossum> left the game.
[2025/03/30, 20:13:53 UTC]    *** <shrit> left the game.
[2025/03/30, 20:14:33 UTC]    *** <olga_ru> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 20:14:43 UTC]    *** <opossum> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 20:15:30 UTC]    * <Juniper> in bed
[2025/03/30, 20:15:57 UTC]    <olga_ru> ja peresajdu
[2025/03/30, 20:15:59 UTC]    *** <olga_ru> left the game.
[2025/03/30, 20:16:06 UTC]    *** <opossum> left the game.
[2025/03/30, 20:16:31 UTC]    *** <olga_ru> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 20:16:37 UTC]    *** <opossum> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 20:16:45 UTC]    <olga_ru> hmm
[2025/03/30, 20:17:16 UTC]    <olga_ru> tam no4
[2025/03/30, 20:17:54 UTC]    <olga_ru> ja u ezzy shop
[2025/03/30, 20:18:30 UTC]    <olga_ru> wot ogorod
[2025/03/30, 20:18:38 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <opossum> for lag. Chunks: 9.
[2025/03/30, 20:18:54 UTC]    <olga_ru> kompas eto ne key?
[2025/03/30, 20:20:05 UTC]    <olga_ru> net
[2025/03/30, 20:20:30 UTC]    <olga_ru> no lesha4ego psa ili ..barashka?
[2025/03/30, 20:20:47 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <opossum> for lag. Chunks: 26.
[2025/03/30, 20:20:50 UTC]    <olga_ru> net
[2025/03/30, 20:21:41 UTC]    <olga_ru> w kakuju storonu?
[2025/03/30, 20:21:53 UTC]    <olga_ru> ot shopa ili k shopu?
[2025/03/30, 20:22:19 UTC]    <olga_ru> a stoi pered shopom nashla
[2025/03/30, 20:22:52 UTC]    *** <Juniper> left the game. (Broken connection.)
[2025/03/30, 20:22:52 UTC]    *** <LGNWolfChaser> left the game. (Broken connection.)
[2025/03/30, 20:22:52 UTC]    *** <Prairiesky> left the game. (Broken connection.)
[2025/03/30, 20:22:52 UTC]    *** <olga_ru> left the game. (Broken connection.)
[2025/03/30, 20:22:52 UTC]    *** <opossum> left the game. (Broken connection.)
[2025/03/30, 20:25:11 UTC]    *** <opossum> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 20:25:19 UTC]    *** <speedpig> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 20:25:39 UTC]    <opossum> got tulip
[2025/03/30, 20:26:00 UTC]    <speedpig> viola was at shop, grow them now
[2025/03/30, 20:26:37 UTC]    <opossum> shop not empty?
[2025/03/30, 20:26:54 UTC]    <speedpig> i don't know
[2025/03/30, 20:27:04 UTC]    <speedpig> found shop with flowers
[2025/03/30, 20:27:10 UTC]    <speedpig> purchased one viola
[2025/03/30, 20:27:37 UTC]    <speedpig> and 'black iris' now
[2025/03/30, 20:28:08 UTC]    <speedpig> and 'lockspur'
[2025/03/30, 20:29:30 UTC]    <opossum> WILL BUY VIOLA
[2025/03/30, 20:29:43 UTC]    <opossum> will buy viola
[2025/03/30, 20:30:45 UTC]    <speedpig> where problem?
[2025/03/30, 20:32:06 UTC]    <speedpig> shop: the village flowers
[2025/03/30, 20:32:40 UTC]    <opossum> greenhaus?
[2025/03/30, 20:32:51 UTC]    <speedpig> 'the village flowers'
[2025/03/30, 20:33:11 UTC]    <opossum> in Icecity?
[2025/03/30, 20:33:14 UTC]    *** <LGNWolfChaser> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 20:33:22 UTC]    <speedpig> i dont know where it is
[2025/03/30, 20:33:41 UTC]    <opossum> ok
[2025/03/30, 20:34:01 UTC]    <speedpig> just setup remote thing for shopping
[2025/03/30, 20:34:15 UTC]    <opossum> remote thing?
[2025/03/30, 20:34:28 UTC]    <speedpig> yes, we have deliver
[2025/03/30, 20:34:32 UTC]    <speedpig> delivery
[2025/03/30, 20:34:53 UTC]    <speedpig> look 'kiosk' and related items
[2025/03/30, 20:40:15 UTC]    *** <Prairiesky> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 20:42:22 UTC]    *** <speedpig> left the game.
[2025/03/30, 20:43:46 UTC]    # Server: An Iceland Native made no real attempt to get out of an enthusiastic <opossum>'s way.
[2025/03/30, 20:44:39 UTC]    *** <opossum> left the game.
[2025/03/30, 20:46:20 UTC]    *** <olga_ru> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 20:46:55 UTC]    *** <Snufkin> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 20:47:09 UTC]    <Snufkin> Evening!
[2025/03/30, 20:48:35 UTC]    <olga_ru> net
[2025/03/30, 20:51:18 UTC]    <olga_ru> 1 sec - weshi domoj sabroshu
[2025/03/30, 20:54:11 UTC]    <olga_ru> privet
[2025/03/30, 20:56:55 UTC]    <olga_ru> pogodi: ja newishu koordinati,,oni she F%?
[2025/03/30, 20:56:59 UTC]    <olga_ru> F5
[2025/03/30, 20:59:45 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> olga_ru: use compass
[2025/03/30, 21:00:02 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 9 hours.
[2025/03/30, 21:00:34 UTC]    <olga_ru> 4to takije Kos?
[2025/03/30, 21:00:42 UTC]    <olga_ru> eto?
[2025/03/30, 21:01:35 UTC]    <olga_ru> ahh ook
[2025/03/30, 21:03:40 UTC]    <olga_ru> s etogo nado sdelat protectori?
[2025/03/30, 21:05:00 UTC]    <olga_ru> wow
[2025/03/30, 21:05:19 UTC]    <olga_ru> da mogu
[2025/03/30, 21:05:57 UTC]    # Server: Talk from someone hidden in case of uninteresting language.
[2025/03/30, 21:06:09 UTC]    # Server: Talk from someone hidden in case of uninteresting language.
[2025/03/30, 21:06:21 UTC]    # Server: Talk from someone hidden in case of uninteresting language.
[2025/03/30, 21:06:31 UTC]    <olga_ru> po4emu ja nemogu pisat?
[2025/03/30, 21:06:59 UTC]    <olga_ru> pogodi, mne nado budet sna4alo perenestiu suda weshi
[2025/03/30, 21:07:12 UTC]    # Server: Talk from someone hidden in case of uninteresting language.
[2025/03/30, 21:07:23 UTC]    # Server: Talk from someone hidden in case of uninteresting language.
[2025/03/30, 21:07:44 UTC]    <olga_ru> ne kashetsa serveru kashetsa, 4to ja rugajus
[2025/03/30, 21:09:08 UTC]    *** <Prairiesky> left the game.
[2025/03/30, 21:09:59 UTC]    <olga_ru> nesnaju, a nushna li?
[2025/03/30, 21:10:44 UTC]    <olga_ru> a 4to s kostami?
[2025/03/30, 21:11:02 UTC]    <olga_ru> sps
[2025/03/30, 21:11:36 UTC]    <olga_ru> tam onstri
[2025/03/30, 21:11:46 UTC]    <olga_ru> w wode
[2025/03/30, 21:12:17 UTC]    <olga_ru> da ni4eg-potom najdu
[2025/03/30, 21:12:21 UTC]    # Server: An Iceland Native got himself some serious hurt from <Snufkin>'s 'Tranquilizer'.
[2025/03/30, 21:13:56 UTC]    <olga_ru> ook
[2025/03/30, 21:14:06 UTC]    <olga_ru> a mobi sdes tolko no4ju?
[2025/03/30, 21:14:16 UTC]    <olga_ru> okkk
[2025/03/30, 21:14:41 UTC]    <olga_ru> ookk
[2025/03/30, 21:14:59 UTC]    <olga_ru> a po4emu moja karta ne wklu4ajetsa?
[2025/03/30, 21:15:21 UTC]    <olga_ru> ook
[2025/03/30, 21:15:54 UTC]    # Server: Being hurt reduces your ability to sprint and jump.
[2025/03/30, 21:16:36 UTC]    <olga_ru> i kak dolgo?
[2025/03/30, 21:17:44 UTC]    <olga_ru> sps,
[2025/03/30, 21:18:14 UTC]    <olga_ru> da hwatit, sps, ja sawtra weshe perewesu, tam hwatajet
[2025/03/30, 21:18:50 UTC]    <olga_ru> nu togda sawtro dodelaju...ushe posdno ;)
[2025/03/30, 21:19:05 UTC]    <olga_ru> ok: spokojnoj no4i
[2025/03/30, 21:19:21 UTC]    <olga_ru> oj, dashe beru
[2025/03/30, 21:19:46 UTC]    <olga_ru> ne bojsa, ja dumaju u mena dostato4no stuffa
[2025/03/30, 21:19:59 UTC]    <olga_ru> da, ladno, sps
[2025/03/30, 21:20:24 UTC]    <olga_ru> ladno ja spat: do sawtra....moschno ja sdes ostanus?
[2025/03/30, 21:21:03 UTC]    <olga_ru> nu prijdotsa poexperimentirowat sawtra
[2025/03/30, 21:21:12 UTC]    <olga_ru> poka
[2025/03/30, 21:21:15 UTC]    *** <olga_ru> left the game.
[2025/03/30, 21:21:27 UTC]    <Snufkin> bye guys. cu
[2025/03/30, 21:23:23 UTC]    <Snufkin> bye LGNWolfChaser :)
[2025/03/30, 21:23:43 UTC]    *** <Snufkin> left the game.
[2025/03/30, 22:00:04 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 8 hours.
[2025/03/30, 22:12:56 UTC]    # Server: Dry shrubs and torches (lit or not) may be crafted into sticks.
[2025/03/30, 22:40:38 UTC]    *** <LGNWolfChaser> left the game.
[2025/03/30, 22:42:14 UTC]    *** <Ha7rpy> joined the game.
[2025/03/30, 23:00:08 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 7 hours.
[2025/03/30, 23:26:31 UTC]    # Server: You can get information about a node using the node inspector tool.
[2025/03/30, 23:32:30 UTC]    *** <Ha7rpy> left the game.
[2025/03/31, 01:20:05 UTC]    *** <Ha7rpy> joined the game.
[2025/03/31, 01:24:45 UTC]    # Server: You can place a public bed in city areas (not ownable by anyone) by holding 'E' when you place it.

Displaying log from today.