Enyekala (Must Test)—World Of Ice & Stone

You must test survival, upon the coldest sea.

Player Chatlog

This log includes player chat and public server messages. The same chat is visible here that would be visible to you if you were logged into the server with the Minetest client. This page shows the most recent chat from today by default; fill in the date field to view chat from any other day.

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Select date to show log from, or leave empty to view the most recent chat from today. Note: there are no logs before 2017/07/03. That’s the date the chatlog was implemented.

Displaying log from today.

[2025/02/23, 13:13:24 UTC]    <Feral> and Peteris?
[2025/02/23, 13:13:38 UTC]    <Mango> thats not special name
[2025/02/23, 13:13:59 UTC]    <Feral> whats so specail about them?
[2025/02/23, 13:14:01 UTC]    <Mango> but those are dirty, sweaty and pig in spanish
[2025/02/23, 13:14:27 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <Mango> for lag. Chunks: 7.
[2025/02/23, 13:14:34 UTC]    <Feral> which is which?
[2025/02/23, 13:14:40 UTC]    # Server: Player <techniX> forgot that unstable builds tend to collapse, here.
[2025/02/23, 13:14:55 UTC]    <Mango> same order
[2025/02/23, 13:16:05 UTC]    <Feral> sounds a bit insulting?
[2025/02/23, 13:16:23 UTC]    *** <Anna> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 13:16:59 UTC]    <Mango> could some mix of inspiration by outback piggies and reflection of fact that overspending time in computer games is routine of selfdestruction
[2025/02/23, 13:17:09 UTC]    *** <Anna> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 13:17:44 UTC]    *** <Shridoodle> left the game. (Broken connection.)
[2025/02/23, 13:22:15 UTC]    # Server: A Stone Golem made no real attempt to get out of an offended explorer's way.
[2025/02/23, 13:23:38 UTC]    # Server: An Iceland Native jumped the mad-hatter dance under an outraged <techniX>'s 'Sixcalibur of the Astral Fire'.
[2025/02/23, 13:28:00 UTC]    # Server: An Iceland Native fell apart under an enraged explorer's furious attack.
[2025/02/23, 13:28:44 UTC]    # Server: An Iceland Native was barbarously wiped out by an explorer's 'Automated Arbalest'.
[2025/02/23, 13:39:50 UTC]    *** <test63> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 13:50:44 UTC]    *** <BeshCartes> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 13:50:45 UTC]    *** <BeshCartes> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 13:51:32 UTC]    *** <techniX> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 14:00:46 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 17 hours.
[2025/02/23, 14:05:39 UTC]    *** <techniX> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 14:06:22 UTC]    # Server: An explorer used his 'Royal Bow of Doom And Horror' to murder a Black-Hearted Oerkki with prejudice.
[2025/02/23, 14:06:47 UTC]    *** <Mango> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 14:11:43 UTC]    # Server: A diving helmet and canisters of compressed air will allow you to stay underwater longer.
[2025/02/23, 14:17:54 UTC]    *** <Mango> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 14:20:58 UTC]    *** <hlqkj> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 14:21:38 UTC]    <Mango> hello hlqkj
[2025/02/23, 14:21:47 UTC]    <hlqkj> Hello! :)
[2025/02/23, 14:24:52 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <Mango> for lag. Chunks: 13.
[2025/02/23, 14:26:31 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> hi hlqkj
[2025/02/23, 14:26:39 UTC]    <hlqkj> Hello LGN!
[2025/02/23, 14:26:42 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> I think someone was loooking for you yesterday
[2025/02/23, 14:27:00 UTC]    <hlqkj> Oh?
[2025/02/23, 14:28:50 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <Mango> for lag. Chunks: 8.
[2025/02/23, 14:30:51 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <hlqkj> for lag. Chunks: 30.
[2025/02/23, 14:32:50 UTC]    *** <Mango> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 14:32:57 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <hlqkj> for lag. Chunks: 21.
[2025/02/23, 14:34:14 UTC]    # Server: A riled <hlqkj> successfully got a Giant Stone Golem to complain of a headache.
[2025/02/23, 14:34:58 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <hlqkj> for lag. Chunks: 138.
[2025/02/23, 14:36:42 UTC]    *** <Quiet> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 14:36:44 UTC]    # Server: A Stone Golem didn't get out of a disgusted <hlqkj>'s way in time.
[2025/02/23, 14:39:26 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki fell prey to an irascible <hlqkj>'s deadly 'FAFO'.
[2025/02/23, 14:39:38 UTC]    # Server: A riled <hlqkj> has decided his favorite weapon is his 'FAFO'.
[2025/02/23, 14:42:20 UTC]    *** <Quiet> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 14:43:19 UTC]    # Server: <hlqkj>'s 'FAFO' apparently wasn't such an unusual weapon after all, as a Flying Menace found out.
[2025/02/23, 14:43:59 UTC]    *** <Mango> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 14:45:18 UTC]    # Server: <hlqkj> used his 'Merge Conflict' to polish off a Black-Hearted Oerkki with prejudice.
[2025/02/23, 14:46:22 UTC]    # Server: An irritated <hlqkj> killed a Black-Hearted Oerkki with his 'FAFO'.
[2025/02/23, 14:48:44 UTC]    # Server: <hlqkj> successfully got a Black-Hearted Oerkki to complain of a headache.
[2025/02/23, 14:49:53 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki did the mad hatter dance just before being abolished with a cross <hlqkj>'s 'FAFO'.
[2025/02/23, 14:49:58 UTC]    # Server: A raging explorer used a Stone Golem for weapons practice with his 'Ex'cube'ular'.
[2025/02/23, 14:50:24 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <hlqkj> for lag. Chunks: 21.
[2025/02/23, 14:51:06 UTC]    # Server: An irritated explorer brutally polished off a Stone Golem with great prejudice.
[2025/02/23, 14:51:31 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki knew an annoyed <hlqkj> was wielding his 'FAFO' but didn't guess what <hlqkj> meant to do with it.
[2025/02/23, 14:51:52 UTC]    # Server: A Stone Golem fell apart under an explorer's vehement attack.
[2025/02/23, 14:52:38 UTC]    # Server: A Stone Golem knew an ireful explorer was wielding its 'Royal Bow' but didn't guess what an explorer meant to do with it.
[2025/02/23, 14:53:09 UTC]    # Server: An indignant explorer's 'Royal Bow of Doom And Horror' apparently wasn't such an unusual weapon after all, as a Black-Hearted Oerkki found out.
[2025/02/23, 14:53:13 UTC]    # Server: An explorer eliminated a Stone Golem.
[2025/02/23, 14:56:53 UTC]    *** <test63> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 14:56:55 UTC]    # Server: A Stone Golem was finished off by an explorer's skillfully handled 'Royal Bow of Doom And Horror'.
[2025/02/23, 14:58:27 UTC]    # Server: A riled <hlqkj> swiftly clonked a Black-Hearted Oerkki over the head using his 'FAFO' with silent skill.
[2025/02/23, 14:58:46 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <Mango> for lag. Chunks: 6.
[2025/02/23, 14:59:58 UTC]    *** <techniX> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 15:00:51 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 16 hours.
[2025/02/23, 15:01:06 UTC]    *** <Mango> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 15:08:42 UTC]    # Server: Death signal detected. ID and location unknown.
[2025/02/23, 15:08:57 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> lmao @ FAFO
[2025/02/23, 15:12:04 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki SAW <hlqkj> coming with his 'FAFO'. Didn't get away in time.
[2025/02/23, 15:12:37 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki was swiftly obliterated by <hlqkj>'s 'Merge Conflict'.
[2025/02/23, 15:13:33 UTC]    # Server: A wrathful explorer successfully got a Black-Hearted Oerkki to complain of a headache.
[2025/02/23, 15:14:48 UTC]    # Server: Someone claimed fresh bones with 9 stacks.
[2025/02/23, 15:15:08 UTC]    <hlqkj> LOL... an Elite bridged through two entirely different fortress wings
[2025/02/23, 15:15:27 UTC]    <hlqkj> This is perfect architecture!
[2025/02/23, 15:15:57 UTC]    # Server: An explorer eliminated a Black-Hearted Oerkki.
[2025/02/23, 15:16:14 UTC]    # Server: <hlqkj> used his 'FAFO' to waste a Black-Hearted Oerkki with prejudice.
[2025/02/23, 15:16:56 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki didn't get out of a furious <hlqkj>'s way in time.
[2025/02/23, 15:18:07 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> pics?
[2025/02/23, 15:18:13 UTC]    <hlqkj> 1min
[2025/02/23, 15:19:47 UTC]    <hlqkj> Not sure is's visible? I'll add lights. https://ibb.co/HTvSqtrZ
[2025/02/23, 15:19:52 UTC]    # Server: <hlqkj> successfully got a Black-Hearted Oerkki to complain of a headache.
[2025/02/23, 15:21:34 UTC]    <hlqkj> Better: https://ibb.co/k6KWhx4s
[2025/02/23, 15:21:38 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> yep cant see much
[2025/02/23, 15:22:00 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> hmm, and no clumpfall?
[2025/02/23, 15:22:12 UTC]    <hlqkj> Seems not
[2025/02/23, 15:22:23 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> cheatan!
[2025/02/23, 15:23:10 UTC]    <hlqkj> He paid dearly for that.
[2025/02/23, 15:23:26 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> Saw no death message.. so it will be back to harass you more
[2025/02/23, 15:23:59 UTC]    <hlqkj> Saw not because I had just killed a dumb Oerkki. There were two, and they've both "found out"
[2025/02/23, 15:25:10 UTC]    # Server: A Shard Bat never saw what hit him.
[2025/02/23, 15:25:34 UTC]    # Server: A Shard Bat danced himself to death under a cranky explorer's craftily wielded 'Royal Bow of Doom And Horror'.
[2025/02/23, 15:26:03 UTC]    <hlqkj> I messed up verbs again - sorry
[2025/02/23, 15:26:15 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki collapsed from <hlqkj>'s sulky attack.
[2025/02/23, 15:27:58 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki was abolished by an irritable <hlqkj>'s skillfully handled 'FAFO'.
[2025/02/23, 15:28:12 UTC]    *** <lilfresh> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 15:28:57 UTC]    <hlqkj> Hello lilfresh!
[2025/02/23, 15:29:20 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki was wasted by <hlqkj>'s skillfully handled 'FAFO'.
[2025/02/23, 15:29:26 UTC]    <lilfresh> kello hlqkj
[2025/02/23, 15:30:19 UTC]    <lilfresh> just wake think I've got a hangover from partying last night....
[2025/02/23, 15:30:28 UTC]    *** <Mango> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 15:30:30 UTC]    <hlqkj> :)
[2025/02/23, 15:30:53 UTC]    <Mango> purchasing minecraft rn for Edgars
[2025/02/23, 15:30:59 UTC]    <hlqkj> Oh
[2025/02/23, 15:31:15 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <hlqkj> for lag. Chunks: 9.
[2025/02/23, 15:31:23 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> Mango: wtf
[2025/02/23, 15:31:33 UTC]    <lilfresh> okaiii
[2025/02/23, 15:31:45 UTC]    <Mango> that captcha to register on microsoft is crazy
[2025/02/23, 15:31:51 UTC]    *** <Hoff> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 15:31:58 UTC]    <Mango> also did not from chrome in the end :D
[2025/02/23, 15:32:03 UTC]    <Hoff> howdy folks :)
[2025/02/23, 15:32:04 UTC]    <hlqkj> Hi Hoff
[2025/02/23, 15:32:18 UTC]    <hlqkj> Mango: what happened, if I may ask?
[2025/02/23, 15:32:19 UTC]    <Hoff> hey :D
[2025/02/23, 15:32:26 UTC]    <Hoff> hows it going hlq?
[2025/02/23, 15:32:36 UTC]    <hlqkj> So and so... You? :)
[2025/02/23, 15:32:45 UTC]    <Mango> hi Hoff
[2025/02/23, 15:32:52 UTC]    <Mango> he wanted it for years
[2025/02/23, 15:32:59 UTC]    <Feral> Hallo Hoff :)
[2025/02/23, 15:33:02 UTC]    <Mango> youtube is full of videos about it
[2025/02/23, 15:33:04 UTC]    <Hoff> busy busy, work and still unprepared to be a father
[2025/02/23, 15:33:08 UTC]    <hlqkj> Mango: ah okay! Thought something happened recently... How much does it costs?
[2025/02/23, 15:33:19 UTC]    <hlqkj> Hoff: you better getting ready :)
[2025/02/23, 15:33:22 UTC]    <Mango> 29,99 usd for java and bedrock edition
[2025/02/23, 15:33:23 UTC]    <Hoff> hallo feral, and mango :)
[2025/02/23, 15:33:40 UTC]    <hlqkj> OK
[2025/02/23, 15:33:42 UTC]    <Hoff> i know hlq, just super nervous
[2025/02/23, 15:33:42 UTC]    # Server: Mobs can kill you even with the best armor. Stay alert!
[2025/02/23, 15:34:21 UTC]    <hlqkj> :)
[2025/02/23, 15:34:43 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki was exterminated by <hlqkj>'s skillfully handled 'FAFO'.
[2025/02/23, 15:35:44 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <Mango> for lag. Chunks: 6.
[2025/02/23, 15:36:39 UTC]    <Hoff> also the excitment was killing the misses, so she wanted to find out what gender, its a boy, and weve chosen a name already lol, Philip Wolfe Koons
[2025/02/23, 15:37:39 UTC]    <hlqkj> Philip is a nice name, I like it!
[2025/02/23, 15:37:55 UTC]    <Hoff> indeed it was my grandfathers name
[2025/02/23, 15:38:11 UTC]    <Hoff> wolfe was my great grandmothers middle name
[2025/02/23, 15:38:25 UTC]    <Hoff> and koons is obviously my last name
[2025/02/23, 15:38:25 UTC]    <hlqkj> That's nice of you, to remember them
[2025/02/23, 15:38:27 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki was terminated by <hlqkj>'s skillfully handled 'FAFO'.
[2025/02/23, 15:38:47 UTC]    <Hoff> philip is actually my middle name lol
[2025/02/23, 15:39:43 UTC]    <hlqkj> You still are Hoff to me :D
[2025/02/23, 15:39:49 UTC]    <Hoff> :D
[2025/02/23, 15:39:54 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <Mango> for lag. Chunks: 6.
[2025/02/23, 15:40:08 UTC]    <Hoff> the name Philip goes back 6 generations, soon it will be 7
[2025/02/23, 15:40:21 UTC]    *** <quimby> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 15:40:46 UTC]    <Hoff> thought id keep it going lol
[2025/02/23, 15:40:49 UTC]    <hlqkj> I only have one name, and AFAIK none of my ancestors had it
[2025/02/23, 15:41:05 UTC]    <hlqkj> Yup that's a good thought :D
[2025/02/23, 15:41:11 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki played dead. Permanently.
[2025/02/23, 15:41:14 UTC]    *** <lilfresh> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 15:41:17 UTC]    <Hoff> atleast you like your name right? xd
[2025/02/23, 15:41:28 UTC]    <hlqkj> I got used to it
[2025/02/23, 15:41:33 UTC]    <hlqkj> Let's say
[2025/02/23, 15:41:51 UTC]    *** <LF1> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 15:42:13 UTC]    # Server: <hlqkj> used his 'FAFO' to destroy a Black-Hearted Oerkki with prejudice.
[2025/02/23, 15:42:15 UTC]    <Hoff> well atleast its better than my brothers name XD
[2025/02/23, 15:42:20 UTC]    *** <quimby> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 15:42:24 UTC]    *** <LF1> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 15:42:40 UTC]    <hlqkj> LGNWolfChaser: by any chance, do you remember who was asking of me yesterday? I've searched quickly the chatlog and saw nothing?
[2025/02/23, 15:42:50 UTC]    <Hoff> my half brothers mom was a drunk and she named him a black persons name, even though hes white
[2025/02/23, 15:42:53 UTC]    *** <lilfresh> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 15:42:56 UTC]    <hlqkj> Hoff: how do you know that?
[2025/02/23, 15:43:27 UTC]    <hlqkj> Oh? Are some names black-only?
[2025/02/23, 15:43:30 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <Mango> for lag. Chunks: 6.
[2025/02/23, 15:43:37 UTC]    <Hoff> no no, not to sound racist
[2025/02/23, 15:43:46 UTC]    <Feral> but u did?
[2025/02/23, 15:43:50 UTC]    <hlqkj> No no I get it, neither I wanted to... Just asking bc I don't know
[2025/02/23, 15:44:06 UTC]    <Hoff> yes i did feral, it came out wrong
[2025/02/23, 15:44:10 UTC]    <Hoff> sorry
[2025/02/23, 15:44:19 UTC]    <hlqkj> Maybe some names in the US have different culture origins, and I have no clue about
[2025/02/23, 15:45:06 UTC]    <Hoff> we do have a lot of different cultures here, most americans think that black and whites are so different, but in the end we are all human
[2025/02/23, 15:45:22 UTC]    <Feral> except the aliens
[2025/02/23, 15:45:28 UTC]    <Hoff> LOL
[2025/02/23, 15:45:41 UTC]    # Server: <hlqkj> used a Black-Hearted Oerkki for weapons practice with his 'FAFO'.
[2025/02/23, 15:45:45 UTC]    <hlqkj> Aliens?!
[2025/02/23, 15:45:52 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <Mango> for lag. Chunks: 12.
[2025/02/23, 15:46:06 UTC]    *** <Mango> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 15:46:10 UTC]    <hlqkj> Oh that
[2025/02/23, 15:46:51 UTC]    <Hoff> not to get in politics here, but i think our countrys leader is an alien, hes so fixated on getting rid of the mexicans, and canadas prepping for war with the USA, because trump wants all of north america to be 1 country
[2025/02/23, 15:47:23 UTC]    <Feral> i think i agree Hoff
[2025/02/23, 15:48:42 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> hlqkj: it could have been 2 days ago...
[2025/02/23, 15:49:05 UTC]    <hlqkj> LGNWolfChaser: OK will look more. They could've dropped a mail, though
[2025/02/23, 15:49:06 UTC]    # Server: A Giant White Wolf fell prey to a belligerent explorer's deadly Mese Sword.
[2025/02/23, 15:49:25 UTC]    # Server: Talk from someone hidden in case of uninteresting language.
[2025/02/23, 15:49:28 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> or three days ago
[2025/02/23, 15:49:32 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> :/ time flies
[2025/02/23, 15:49:35 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki got himself a fatal mauling by a belligerent <hlqkj>'s 'Merge Conflict'.
[2025/02/23, 15:49:45 UTC]    <hlqkj> I agree, it does :(
[2025/02/23, 15:50:41 UTC]    *** <ES2> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 15:50:51 UTC]    <ES2> hello all
[2025/02/23, 15:50:56 UTC]    <Hoff> alrighty folks i must be leaving, i have to work in less than an hour
[2025/02/23, 15:51:06 UTC]    <ES2> bye
[2025/02/23, 15:51:09 UTC]    <Hoff> Hi ES, bye ES :)
[2025/02/23, 15:51:14 UTC]    <hlqkj> Hello ES :)
[2025/02/23, 15:51:24 UTC]    <hlqkj> Bye Hoff! Until soon, I hope... And blessings :)
[2025/02/23, 15:51:27 UTC]    <ES2> hello hlqkj
[2025/02/23, 15:51:34 UTC]    <Hoff> thanks hlq :)
[2025/02/23, 15:51:36 UTC]    *** <Hoff> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 15:51:45 UTC]    # Server: <hlqkj> went out of his way to maul a Black-Hearted Oerkki with his 'FAFO'.
[2025/02/23, 15:52:20 UTC]    *** <tree> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 15:53:08 UTC]    *** <tree> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 15:55:26 UTC]    # Server: An irascible <hlqkj> went out of his way to assassinate a Black-Hearted Oerkki with his 'Merge Conflict'.
[2025/02/23, 15:58:03 UTC]    # Server: <hlqkj> successfully got a Black-Hearted Oerkki to complain of a headache.
[2025/02/23, 16:00:55 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 15 hours.
[2025/02/23, 16:01:30 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> lol
[2025/02/23, 16:01:34 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> merge conflict
[2025/02/23, 16:01:38 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> I'm having those rn
[2025/02/23, 16:01:47 UTC]    <hlqkj> Had a couple of them recently
[2025/02/23, 16:02:11 UTC]    <hlqkj> Easy to fix when one owns the repository, though
[2025/02/23, 16:03:34 UTC]    *** <Feral> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 16:05:13 UTC]    # Server: <hlqkj>'s 'Merge Conflict' apparently wasn't such an unusual weapon after all, as a Black-Hearted Oerkki found out.
[2025/02/23, 16:05:38 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> That's not usually necessary, feature branches are unprotected by default
[2025/02/23, 16:05:58 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> but those opening huge omnibus MRs tend to also open them from master, which is push-protected by default
[2025/02/23, 16:06:54 UTC]    <hlqkj> That's the thing... I usually am quite messy, and do my stuff on master, too often skipping proper gitflow
[2025/02/23, 16:11:44 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> I've wasted too much time resolving merge conflicts so I do proper git feature branch flow now
[2025/02/23, 16:12:00 UTC]    *** <Feral> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 16:12:05 UTC]    <hlqkj> wb
[2025/02/23, 16:13:27 UTC]    # Server: A Shard Bat failed his weapon checks.
[2025/02/23, 16:16:07 UTC]    # Server: <hlqkj> ruthlessly mauled a Black-Hearted Oerkki with his 'Merge Conflict'.
[2025/02/23, 16:16:44 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki did the mad hatter dance just before being murdered with a frenzied <hlqkj>'s 'FAFO'.
[2025/02/23, 16:18:09 UTC]    # Server: Bonebox detected. ID and location unknown.
[2025/02/23, 16:18:22 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/23, 16:20:51 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/23, 16:21:29 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <hlqkj> for lag. Chunks: 18.
[2025/02/23, 16:22:00 UTC]    *** <lilfresh> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 16:25:23 UTC]    *** <ES2> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 16:25:52 UTC]    *** <OB1> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 16:26:23 UTC]    # Server: Trying to talk peace to an explorer didn't win any for a Giant White Wolf.
[2025/02/23, 16:28:21 UTC]    *** <Mango> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 16:28:22 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <hlqkj> for lag. Chunks: 6.
[2025/02/23, 16:28:34 UTC]    <Mango> je;;p
[2025/02/23, 16:28:59 UTC]    <OB1> wb
[2025/02/23, 16:29:04 UTC]    *** <Ronald> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 16:29:19 UTC]    *** <tree> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 16:30:05 UTC]    # Server: Ritual box detected. <Ronald> lost a life at (Outback: -93,72,83).
[2025/02/23, 16:30:05 UTC]    # Server: <Ronald> succumbed to the horrors of nether grit.
[2025/02/23, 16:30:05 UTC]    # Server: <Ronald> gorged itself to death.
[2025/02/23, 16:30:21 UTC]    <Feral> hey are u two alternative to Rocket and Groot?
[2025/02/23, 16:30:35 UTC]    *** <Ronald> left the game. (Hate losing.)
[2025/02/23, 16:30:43 UTC]    *** <OB1> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 16:30:49 UTC]    <Feral> guess not
[2025/02/23, 16:31:31 UTC]    *** <Feral> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 16:31:48 UTC]    *** <lilfresh> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 16:36:57 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <Mango> for lag. Chunks: 6.
[2025/02/23, 16:39:17 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <Mango> for lag. Chunks: 9.
[2025/02/23, 16:40:16 UTC]    *** <tree> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 16:40:32 UTC]    *** <ES> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 16:41:14 UTC]    *** <ES> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 16:41:24 UTC]    *** <ES> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 16:42:30 UTC]    # Server: <hlqkj> has plane shifted to Overworld.
[2025/02/23, 16:44:05 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <Mango> for lag. Chunks: 5.
[2025/02/23, 16:44:08 UTC]    # Server: Someone claimed old bones with 70 stacks.
[2025/02/23, 16:48:25 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <Mango> for lag. Chunks: 5.
[2025/02/23, 16:54:34 UTC]    *** <tree> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 16:56:35 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <Mango> for lag. Chunks: 6.
[2025/02/23, 16:57:01 UTC]    *** <tree> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 16:58:22 UTC]    # Server: A Sheep danced herself to death under a PO'ed <ES>'s craftily wielded 'Ruby Pickaxe'.
[2025/02/23, 16:59:04 UTC]    <hlqkj> LGNWolfChaser: you'll love how I called my new bow. Hehe... See you later1
[2025/02/23, 16:59:08 UTC]    *** <hlqkj> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 17:00:25 UTC]    # Server: Shears and silver picks can sometimes be used to obtain materials or resources that other tools cannot.
[2025/02/23, 17:00:59 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 14 hours.
[2025/02/23, 17:03:22 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/23, 17:04:38 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/23, 17:04:40 UTC]    <lilfresh> is Saravinca dangerous?
[2025/02/23, 17:05:21 UTC]    <Mango> is depends
[2025/02/23, 17:05:30 UTC]    <lilfresh> on?
[2025/02/23, 17:05:38 UTC]    <Mango> are you afraid from dm's?
[2025/02/23, 17:06:02 UTC]    <lilfresh> not really
[2025/02/23, 17:06:13 UTC]    <Mango> good
[2025/02/23, 17:06:24 UTC]    <lilfresh> once I can see them I can shoot them
[2025/02/23, 17:06:44 UTC]    <Mango> than only fun part is pigs at night, but they spawn on rare locations, similary to wolf
[2025/02/23, 17:07:00 UTC]    <lilfresh> ok
[2025/02/23, 17:07:12 UTC]    <Mango> but if location is correct you can have 10-20 per night
[2025/02/23, 17:07:29 UTC]    <Mango> i made pigfarm there
[2025/02/23, 17:07:36 UTC]    <Mango> but they stopped spawning
[2025/02/23, 17:07:44 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/23, 17:07:54 UTC]    <Mango> i guess problem was dm's destroyed all surface around
[2025/02/23, 17:08:15 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/23, 17:08:46 UTC]    <Mango> i don't know, but i did not like that i spend long time building nice farm, and in the end, there was no pigs around...
[2025/02/23, 17:08:58 UTC]    <Mango> pigs drop leather and pork
[2025/02/23, 17:09:04 UTC]    <lilfresh> lol sucks
[2025/02/23, 17:09:10 UTC]    <lilfresh> ik
[2025/02/23, 17:09:54 UTC]    <Mango> for fun i recommend Carcorsica
[2025/02/23, 17:10:24 UTC]    <lilfresh> I'm trying to build a gate hub
[2025/02/23, 17:11:30 UTC]    <lilfresh> but gate keep exploding....I use cobble stone to help make make mountain wider
[2025/02/23, 17:11:56 UTC]    <ES> use stone
[2025/02/23, 17:11:56 UTC]    <Mango> no air allowed beneath gate
[2025/02/23, 17:12:04 UTC]    *** <opossum> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 17:12:53 UTC]    <Mango> at what caverns depth tp range decreases?
[2025/02/23, 17:13:04 UTC]    <lilfresh> I already put like 6 layers or cobble with about 40 x length to get it this high...
[2025/02/23, 17:13:17 UTC]    <lilfresh> I have no idea
[2025/02/23, 17:13:21 UTC]    <ES> i think it logarithmic from the surface
[2025/02/23, 17:14:36 UTC]    <Mango> at -5500 it looked like full range.. i plan to place next at about -10000, i remeber some player had to -16000, but last where quite close. will see soon.
[2025/02/23, 17:14:54 UTC]    *** <Q> joined the game.
[2025/02/23, 17:15:02 UTC]    <Mango> could find screenshots i made of existing tp's and do math
[2025/02/23, 17:15:27 UTC]    *** <Q> left the game.
[2025/02/23, 17:15:28 UTC]    <ES> the deeper you go the more the penalty.
[2025/02/23, 17:20:24 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/23, 17:21:01 UTC]    # Server: Someone has plane shifted.
[2025/02/23, 17:23:43 UTC]    # Server: A Sheep failed to avoid <ES>'s oncoming weapon.
[2025/02/23, 17:23:53 UTC]    # Server: Mapgen scrambling. Blame <Mango> for lag. Chunks: 14.

Displaying log from today.