Enyekala (Must Test)—World Of Ice & Stone

You must test survival, upon the coldest sea.

Player Chatlog

This log includes player chat and public server messages. The same chat is visible here that would be visible to you if you were logged into the server with the Minetest client. This page shows the most recent chat from today by default; fill in the date field to view chat from any other day.

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Select date to show log from, or leave empty to view the most recent chat from today. Note: there are no logs before 2017/07/03. That’s the date the chatlog was implemented.

Displaying log from today.

[2024/11/20, 21:29:44 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> I bring 7, but all set to diffrerent things
[2024/11/20, 21:29:53 UTC]    <speedcraft> in nice stright tunnel i always switch, but with prospector it turns into chaotic running after numbers, i used to count myself from last number i see to 0
[2024/11/20, 21:29:55 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> then I use them in succession from rarest to common ores
[2024/11/20, 21:32:06 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> can't believe hlqkj trashed 4 prospectors after they got upgraded..
[2024/11/20, 21:33:01 UTC]    # Server: A peevish explorer made sure a Dungeon Master didn't see that coming!
[2024/11/20, 21:33:18 UTC]    <speedcraft> value depends on viewpoint, some players trash themselfs constantly
[2024/11/20, 21:35:04 UTC]    <speedcraft> should not expect rational actions from persons who switched real life with living in virtual one :D
[2024/11/20, 21:35:29 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> that's all of us :P
[2024/11/20, 21:35:56 UTC]    # Server: A Dungeon Master got himself some serious hurt from a PO'ed explorer's 'Royal Pain in the Neck'.
[2024/11/20, 21:35:59 UTC]    <speedcraft> 95%
[2024/11/20, 21:36:15 UTC]    <Feral> 94%
[2024/11/20, 21:36:43 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> I'm about to start caging these dms
[2024/11/20, 21:36:43 UTC]    <Q> atlast a use for cobblestone
[2024/11/20, 21:37:17 UTC]    <speedcraft> DragonsVolcanoDance: sounds so good, or it was joke?
[2024/11/20, 21:37:20 UTC]    # Server: <Feral> has plane shifted to Overworld.
[2024/11/20, 21:37:41 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> I might seriously do it
[2024/11/20, 21:38:21 UTC]    <speedcraft> you should :D and make nice way to that place and sale tickets
[2024/11/20, 21:38:32 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> I already caged 2 white wolves, so a dm shouldn't be too hard
[2024/11/20, 21:39:06 UTC]    <WolfMan> going to bring it to the surface :)
[2024/11/20, 21:39:17 UTC]    <speedcraft> DragonsVolcanoDance: probably your caged wolve are stopping spawning more, as there is some limit per area
[2024/11/20, 21:39:28 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> possible
[2024/11/20, 21:39:40 UTC]    # Server: An Iceland Native SAW <mrCordell> coming with his Iron Sword. Didn't get away in time.
[2024/11/20, 21:40:32 UTC]    <speedcraft> wolve was super easy, did that on challange twice, second time made him test track to see his abilities to jump ,reach height etc.
[2024/11/20, 21:41:37 UTC]    # Server: A vexed explorer split a Dungeon Master's wig.
[2024/11/20, 21:41:40 UTC]    <speedcraft> my best capture was elite oerkki in outback in WOODEN cage with help of other player
[2024/11/20, 21:41:44 UTC]    <Q> omggggg a copy and paste tool would be excelent..
[2024/11/20, 21:41:52 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> hehe
[2024/11/20, 21:41:54 UTC]    <Q> i miss the bulders wand..
[2024/11/20, 21:41:55 UTC]    # Server: A Dungeon Master danced herself to death under a fierce <DragonsVolcanoDance>'s craftily wielded 'Royal Pain in the Neck'.
[2024/11/20, 21:43:04 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> I like the new nether mapgen
[2024/11/20, 21:43:20 UTC]    # Server: An Iceland Native never saw what hit him.
[2024/11/20, 21:43:33 UTC]    <Feral> why whats different DragonsVolcanoDance?
[2024/11/20, 21:43:34 UTC]    <Q> i hate it i cant escape the
[2024/11/20, 21:43:41 UTC]    <Q> abysal sea..
[2024/11/20, 21:44:06 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> The brimestone caverns above the abysal sea cavern are very pretty
[2024/11/20, 21:44:09 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> brb
[2024/11/20, 21:44:10 UTC]    *** <DragonsVolcanoDance> left the game.
[2024/11/20, 21:44:26 UTC]    *** <DragonsVolcanoDance> joined the game.
[2024/11/20, 21:44:50 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> DragonsVolcanoDance: didnt hlkqj say he trashed 5?
[2024/11/20, 21:45:01 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> I don't remember the exact number, it might have been 5
[2024/11/20, 21:46:07 UTC]    <Feral> night folks
[2024/11/20, 21:46:09 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> gn
[2024/11/20, 21:46:12 UTC]    * <Feral> waves
[2024/11/20, 21:46:12 UTC]    <kievski> bye
[2024/11/20, 21:46:17 UTC]    <Q> seya
[2024/11/20, 21:46:17 UTC]    *** <Feral> left the game.
[2024/11/20, 21:46:20 UTC]    <speedcraft> hlkqj gave one to me or my son
[2024/11/20, 21:46:57 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> that was nice
[2024/11/20, 21:47:29 UTC]    <speedcraft> yeah, should login from son's and take them back :D
[2024/11/20, 21:48:22 UTC]    <speedcraft> he prefres less responsibility and more light gameplay
[2024/11/20, 21:49:04 UTC]    # Server: An Iceland Native got himself a fatal mauling by a PO'ed explorer's 'Red Oreater'.
[2024/11/20, 21:49:51 UTC]    # Server: An Iceland Native collapsed from an angry explorer's attack.
[2024/11/20, 21:55:05 UTC]    # Server: A furious explorer pinned a Dungeon Master to the wall with her 'Royal Pain in the Neck'.
[2024/11/20, 21:55:29 UTC]    # Server: A cross explorer used a Dungeon Master for weapons practice with her 'Royal Pain in the Neck'.
[2024/11/20, 21:55:41 UTC]    <speedcraft> hmmm, snow, how good cushion effect is has if compared to straw or blue cushion?
[2024/11/20, 21:55:52 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> I think it melts, so probably not that goood..
[2024/11/20, 21:56:32 UTC]    <mrCordell> oh hi
[2024/11/20, 21:56:56 UTC]    <mrCordell> looks nice :)
[2024/11/20, 21:56:59 UTC]    <speedcraft> hi :)
[2024/11/20, 21:57:01 UTC]    <mrCordell> I'm on my way home
[2024/11/20, 21:57:31 UTC]    <speedcraft> have a safe travel :)
[2024/11/20, 21:57:48 UTC]    # Server: An explorer made a splortching sound with a Fleshless Skeleton's head.
[2024/11/20, 21:59:50 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> snow is quite good as a cushion.. 8m fall and no dmg
[2024/11/20, 21:59:56 UTC]    # Server: Bonebox detected. <LGNWolfChaser> became mostly dead at (Overworld: 5100,1,-13493).
[2024/11/20, 21:59:56 UTC]    # Server: <LGNWolfChaser> fell.
[2024/11/20, 22:00:02 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> ok 10 m fall kills me
[2024/11/20, 22:00:07 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> lol
[2024/11/20, 22:00:09 UTC]    <Q> omg atlast...
[2024/11/20, 22:00:15 UTC]    <Q> i have spend the cobblestoneee..
[2024/11/20, 22:00:17 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> what q?
[2024/11/20, 22:00:34 UTC]    <speedcraft> 8 nodes no damage, 10 nodes kill?
[2024/11/20, 22:00:40 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> speedcraft: 1/2 hp..
[2024/11/20, 22:00:40 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> xD
[2024/11/20, 22:00:51 UTC]    <Q> yessss this is what im gonna do with it
[2024/11/20, 22:00:55 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 9 hours.
[2024/11/20, 22:01:04 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> 2 hearts dmg from ~10m
[2024/11/20, 22:02:18 UTC]    <speedcraft> blue cushion much better, could jump some 50 or a bit more
[2024/11/20, 22:04:21 UTC]    <WolfMan> bbl maybe. have fun.
[2024/11/20, 22:04:24 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> bye
[2024/11/20, 22:04:24 UTC]    *** <WolfMan> left the game.
[2024/11/20, 22:04:49 UTC]    <mrCordell> oh! now we have a corpse distance marker
[2024/11/20, 22:05:01 UTC]    # Server: Player <DragonsVolcanoDance>'s structure offended the physics rules!
[2024/11/20, 22:05:49 UTC]    <speedcraft> mrCordell: it's actually best marker now :D
[2024/11/20, 22:06:35 UTC]    <speedcraft> just was working in 700 m distance
[2024/11/20, 22:09:59 UTC]    <Q> uuughhhh im bored again...
[2024/11/20, 22:10:05 UTC]    <Q> atleast some of the cobble is done..
[2024/11/20, 22:10:19 UTC]    # Server: Player <mrCordell> claimed his own old bones at (Overworld: 5123,-2,-13551) with 42 stacks.
[2024/11/20, 22:10:45 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> what are you working on q?
[2024/11/20, 22:11:06 UTC]    <Q> im wasting my cobble for a wall
[2024/11/20, 22:11:14 UTC]    *** <wolf_T-T> joined the game.
[2024/11/20, 22:11:15 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> Ah
[2024/11/20, 22:11:36 UTC]    <Q> its huge tho
[2024/11/20, 22:11:36 UTC]    <wolf_T-T> hello
[2024/11/20, 22:11:44 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> who are you going to make pay for it?
[2024/11/20, 22:11:46 UTC]    <Q> i made it big on propouse so that after i dig i use the cobble..
[2024/11/20, 22:11:48 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> Hello
[2024/11/20, 22:11:54 UTC]    <wolf_T-T> I'm new
[2024/11/20, 22:11:55 UTC]    <Q> hi
[2024/11/20, 22:12:00 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> Hi new, I'm Dragons
[2024/11/20, 22:12:01 UTC]    <Q> hi new ...
[2024/11/20, 22:12:07 UTC]    # Server: An explorer took a Giant White Wolf by surprise.
[2024/11/20, 22:12:10 UTC]    <wolf_T-T> bruh
[2024/11/20, 22:12:16 UTC]    <speedcraft> hi new wolf
[2024/11/20, 22:12:24 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> I'm coming for you too
[2024/11/20, 22:12:51 UTC]    # Server: <redcity> eliminated a Black-Hearted Oerkki.
[2024/11/20, 22:13:04 UTC]    <speedcraft> i would be fun is some 'Wolf' would hunt those hunters :D
[2024/11/20, 22:13:47 UTC]    <Q> i cant im bored..
[2024/11/20, 22:13:54 UTC]    <Q> maybe later or tommorow..
[2024/11/20, 22:14:09 UTC]    <Q> also im a bit tired ..
[2024/11/20, 22:14:14 UTC]    # Server: Blackbox beacon detected. <wolf_T-T> croaked at (Outback: -38,68,61).
[2024/11/20, 22:14:14 UTC]    # Server: <wolf_T-T> succumbed to the horrors of nether grit.
[2024/11/20, 22:14:22 UTC]    <Q> aaah wolf
[2024/11/20, 22:14:28 UTC]    <Q> you apeared at the wors of times...
[2024/11/20, 22:14:41 UTC]    <Q> the outback seems to be surrounded with some wierd goo..
[2024/11/20, 22:14:46 UTC]    <wolf_T-T> I'm killer_wolf
[2024/11/20, 22:14:56 UTC]    <speedcraft> wolf_T-T: good, do it one more time, so everybody will start believ you are really new :D
[2024/11/20, 22:15:25 UTC]    # Server: A Fleshless Skeleton knew an explorer was wielding her 'Royal Pain in the Neck' but didn't guess what an explorer meant to do with it.
[2024/11/20, 22:15:28 UTC]    <wolf_T-T> aT
[2024/11/20, 22:15:31 UTC]    <wolf_T-T> wat
[2024/11/20, 22:15:42 UTC]    *** <speedcraft> left the game.
[2024/11/20, 22:15:47 UTC]    # Server: <redcity> took a Black-Hearted Oerkki by surprise.
[2024/11/20, 22:16:13 UTC]    *** <cerda> joined the game.
[2024/11/20, 22:16:49 UTC]    *** <wolf_T-T> left the game.
[2024/11/20, 22:17:46 UTC]    # Server: An irritated <redcity> used a Black-Hearted Oerkki for weapons practice with its Stone Sword.
[2024/11/20, 22:18:39 UTC]    <cerda> oh, someone built walls in outback around spawn from nether grit :D
[2024/11/20, 22:18:45 UTC]    # Server: The player who farms the wheat has the right to put the wheat in his own chest.
[2024/11/20, 22:18:51 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> Wasn't me..
[2024/11/20, 22:19:08 UTC]    # Server: <redcity> used its Stone Sword to annihilate a Black-Hearted Oerkki with prejudice.
[2024/11/20, 22:22:21 UTC]    # Server: A Fleshless Skeleton danced herself to death under an outraged explorer's craftily wielded 'Elite Oerkki'.
[2024/11/20, 22:22:52 UTC]    *** <redcity> left the game.
[2024/11/20, 22:23:34 UTC]    # Server: A Swinepig got himself a fatal mauling by an irritable explorer's 'Amethyst Sword'.
[2024/11/20, 22:24:15 UTC]    *** <cerda> left the game.
[2024/11/20, 22:24:42 UTC]    *** <speedcraft> joined the game.
[2024/11/20, 22:30:19 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> Bye for now
[2024/11/20, 22:30:21 UTC]    *** <DragonsVolcanoDance> left the game.
[2024/11/20, 22:33:34 UTC]    <Q> ive got an idea...
[2024/11/20, 22:33:49 UTC]    <Q> and i am doing it..
[2024/11/20, 22:34:00 UTC]    <Q> not now because i cant now tho..
[2024/11/20, 22:34:34 UTC]    <Q> for now it will be nice to have some rest i guess..
[2024/11/20, 22:34:43 UTC]    <speedcraft> sounds mystical
[2024/11/20, 22:35:39 UTC]    <Q> its actually a good idea i think..
[2024/11/20, 22:36:27 UTC]    <speedcraft> you can test it asking questions yourself
[2024/11/20, 22:37:17 UTC]    <Q> welp... i will be
[2024/11/20, 22:37:21 UTC]    <Q> going then
[2024/11/20, 22:37:24 UTC]    <speedcraft> 6 nodes height walls around tp done
[2024/11/20, 22:37:25 UTC]    <Q> to rest a bit..
[2024/11/20, 22:37:28 UTC]    <Q> seya dudes..
[2024/11/20, 22:37:35 UTC]    *** <Q> left the game.
[2024/11/20, 22:37:44 UTC]    <speedcraft> see you soon in ob
[2024/11/20, 22:39:27 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> speedcraft: glass or?
[2024/11/20, 22:39:55 UTC]    <speedcraft> cobble with holes all around to see, and basic doors on three sides
[2024/11/20, 22:39:59 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> hmm
[2024/11/20, 22:40:29 UTC]    <speedcraft> there are two tp inside, i use most :D
[2024/11/20, 22:41:49 UTC]    *** <LordOfTheRelams> joined the game.
[2024/11/20, 22:44:11 UTC]    # Server: Player <LordOfTheRelams> claimed <Agony>'s old bones at (Outback: 0,0,-36) with 8 stacks.
[2024/11/20, 22:44:35 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> LordOfTheRelams: some of your stuff is in a shelf up ahead
[2024/11/20, 22:44:43 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> at end of tunnel
[2024/11/20, 22:46:04 UTC]    *** <tsatsa> joined the game.
[2024/11/20, 22:46:04 UTC]    *** <tsatsa> left the game.
[2024/11/20, 22:46:07 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> Ok ty so much i was having a moment of flight i had to go do some impo stuuff
[2024/11/20, 22:46:15 UTC]    *** <mrCordell> left the game.
[2024/11/20, 22:46:32 UTC]    *** <speedcraft> left the game.
[2024/11/20, 22:53:17 UTC]    *** <orq5383> joined the game.
[2024/11/20, 22:54:24 UTC]    # Server: Bonebox detected. <orq5383> became somewhat dead at (Outback: -60,68,45).
[2024/11/20, 22:54:24 UTC]    # Server: Nether tar ate a new hole in <orq5383>.
[2024/11/20, 22:54:28 UTC]    # Server: <LordOfTheRelams> used a Swinepig for weapons practice with his Stone Sword.
[2024/11/20, 22:56:22 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> LordOfTheRelams: you went down to portals and then... returned to surface?
[2024/11/20, 22:56:41 UTC]    # Server: Player <LordOfTheRelams> claimed <wp34>'s old bones at (Outback: -57,74,62) with 6 stacks.
[2024/11/20, 22:56:55 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> Nope im im outback
[2024/11/20, 22:57:36 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> Oh i had to do something like find a flint cause ny stuff is GONE
[2024/11/20, 22:57:44 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> its in the shelf
[2024/11/20, 22:58:17 UTC]    # Server: Player <LordOfTheRelams> claimed <KingOmer>'s old bones at (Outback: -49,69,62) with 7 stacks.
[2024/11/20, 22:58:24 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> and didn't agony have another?
[2024/11/20, 22:59:05 UTC]    *** <orq5383> left the game. (Broken connection.)
[2024/11/20, 23:00:59 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 8 hours.
[2024/11/20, 23:02:54 UTC]    *** <kievski> left the game.
[2024/11/20, 23:05:14 UTC]    *** <gror> joined the game.
[2024/11/20, 23:06:44 UTC]    *** <gror> left the game.
[2024/11/20, 23:11:04 UTC]    *** <ThinkNoob> joined the game.
[2024/11/20, 23:11:14 UTC]    # Server: A Black-Hearted Oerkki never saw what hit him.
[2024/11/20, 23:12:40 UTC]    <ThinkNoob> have you found it yet LordOfTheRelams
[2024/11/20, 23:12:47 UTC]    # Server: Bonebox beacon detected. <LordOfTheRelams> perished at (Outback: -11,0,0).
[2024/11/20, 23:12:47 UTC]    # Server: <LordOfTheRelams> was rudely murdered by a Black-Hearted Oerkki.
[2024/11/20, 23:13:14 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> Answered your question
[2024/11/20, 23:13:20 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> LOL
[2024/11/20, 23:14:43 UTC]    <ThinkNoob> lord of the death, harbinger of boneboxes
[2024/11/20, 23:14:48 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> Hey i did that one onpurpose
[2024/11/20, 23:16:11 UTC]    # Server: Player <LordOfTheRelams> claimed his own fresh bones at (Outback: -11,0,0) with 18 stacks.
[2024/11/20, 23:16:52 UTC]    <ThinkNoob> arent you gonna claim your bones?
[2024/11/20, 23:16:59 UTC]    <ThinkNoob> the stuff in shelf
[2024/11/20, 23:17:02 UTC]    # Server: <LordOfTheRelams> has plane shifted to Overworld.
[2024/11/20, 23:17:38 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> cOULDN'T FIND IT
[2024/11/20, 23:17:41 UTC]    <ThinkNoob> guess that's a no then
[2024/11/20, 23:18:00 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> tAKE IT ALL IDC ANYMORE FAAAK THI8S GAMME
[2024/11/20, 23:18:05 UTC]    <ThinkNoob> lol
[2024/11/20, 23:19:06 UTC]    *** <ThinkNoob> left the game.
[2024/11/20, 23:23:49 UTC]    # Server: New player short on fuel? You can burn wooden armor in stone furnaces.
[2024/11/21, 00:00:03 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 7 hours.
[2024/11/21, 00:01:43 UTC]    # Server: Player <LordOfTheRelams> claimed his own old bones at (Overworld: -3068,73,-13154) with 33 stacks.
[2024/11/21, 00:10:56 UTC]    # Server: Player <LordOfTheRelams> claimed his own old bones at (Overworld: -3069,74,-13153) with 36 stacks.
[2024/11/21, 00:11:29 UTC]    # Server: An Iceland Native knew a fierce <LordOfTheRelams> was wielding his Copper Sword but didn't guess what <LordOfTheRelams> meant to do with it.
[2024/11/21, 00:11:56 UTC]    # Server: A riled <LordOfTheRelams> nullified an Iceland Native with his Copper Sword.
[2024/11/21, 00:14:18 UTC]    # Server: An Iceland Native SAW an offended <LordOfTheRelams> coming with his Copper Sword. Didn't get away in time.
[2024/11/21, 00:21:37 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> I'm impressed that you haven't returned to outback yet
[2024/11/21, 00:21:57 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> TY LOL
[2024/11/21, 00:21:58 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> DVD might want to consider hiring you for protection services for those dungeon masters
[2024/11/21, 00:22:06 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> against those*
[2024/11/21, 00:28:06 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> hey i really sincerly appriciate the help with the shelf i couldn't find it an d needed to get abck here so put it in a locked chest or keep it all ty so much
[2024/11/21, 00:28:37 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> Or you can just leave it for noobs LOL
[2024/11/21, 00:29:35 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> All i really want is the iron you can come to corner in the the city go to Lotr I leave some cobble in it for you
[2024/11/21, 00:30:08 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> LOTR
[2024/11/21, 00:31:17 UTC]    # Server: Mobs sometimes place blocks in protected areas. This is not griefing, because the blocks are not protected. Anyone may remove them.
[2024/11/21, 00:32:31 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> There's enough mossy to get out if you feel like bringing me the Iron Lumps oh and meat i want at least half
[2024/11/21, 00:32:58 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> the shelf is hidden behind wall
[2024/11/21, 00:33:00 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> :)
[2024/11/21, 00:33:45 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> Cool i'll find it figures your little um extra note was goingto come in once i wa gone LOL
[2024/11/21, 00:34:04 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> But i will return eventually I always do
[2024/11/21, 00:34:19 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> kind of, I was looking to see if you'd ask for further directions or rage in chat
[2024/11/21, 00:34:28 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> the latter would've been amusing
[2024/11/21, 00:34:42 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> but unfortunately you did neitherand just crossed into overworld
[2024/11/21, 00:34:48 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> I know my rages are epic huh
[2024/11/21, 00:34:50 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> well you did a bit of raging afterwards
[2024/11/21, 00:34:57 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> that was good
[2024/11/21, 00:36:35 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> So i need to make a permanent key do i have to be here X amount of days to do so
[2024/11/21, 00:40:59 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> no
[2024/11/21, 00:58:14 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> Who built the wWar of the Worlds Statue?
[2024/11/21, 01:00:07 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 6 hours.
[2024/11/21, 01:09:37 UTC]    # Server: Player <LordOfTheRelams> claimed his own old bones at (Overworld: 905,-503,-8235) with 58 stacks.
[2024/11/21, 01:19:14 UTC]    *** <cracky> joined the game.
[2024/11/21, 01:19:15 UTC]    # Server: Player <cracky> is engaged in a Survival Challenge.
[2024/11/21, 01:19:36 UTC]    # Server: Blackbox detected. ID and location unknown.
[2024/11/21, 01:19:36 UTC]    # Server: An explorer was savagely nullified by an irritated Giant White Wolf.
[2024/11/21, 01:20:15 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> wolf drowned after removing me
[2024/11/21, 01:20:16 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> lol
[2024/11/21, 01:21:02 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> FFAAAAAAck Al
[2024/11/21, 01:22:53 UTC]    # Server: Talk from someone hidden in case of uninteresting language.
[2024/11/21, 01:23:19 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> Faaaack im trapped again
[2024/11/21, 01:24:00 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> Congrats
[2024/11/21, 01:24:09 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> wish I could see the hidden chat >:)
[2024/11/21, 01:25:03 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> What a prick
[2024/11/21, 01:25:10 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> WHo?
[2024/11/21, 01:25:12 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> Al?
[2024/11/21, 01:25:24 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> Al he has so many traps
[2024/11/21, 01:25:51 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> what are you doing in his areas
[2024/11/21, 01:25:57 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> Never come to his place it's faacked
[2024/11/21, 01:26:05 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> I'll check it out
[2024/11/21, 01:26:17 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> might be good
[2024/11/21, 01:26:22 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> I had to get my bones back from the coxsuckers trap
[2024/11/21, 01:26:39 UTC]    # Server: A Giant White Wolf was brutally slaughtered.
[2024/11/21, 01:27:38 UTC]    # Server: Talk from someone hidden in case of uninteresting language.
[2024/11/21, 01:30:51 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> Lucky i got out fffffffffffff
[2024/11/21, 01:34:10 UTC]    *** <cracky> left the game.
[2024/11/21, 01:35:35 UTC]    # Server: Beware of unstable floors in caves.
[2024/11/21, 01:53:47 UTC]    # Server: An explorer voided a Giant White Wolf with his Mese Sword.
[2024/11/21, 02:00:11 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 5 hours.
[2024/11/21, 02:00:52 UTC]    <LordOfTheRelams> Gn All and Ty for the laughs today gg
[2024/11/21, 02:01:16 UTC]    *** <LordOfTheRelams> left the game.
[2024/11/21, 02:51:31 UTC]    # Server: Starvation will drain your health down to half a heart, but will not kill you.
[2024/11/21, 03:00:14 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 4 hours.
[2024/11/21, 03:05:33 UTC]    *** <DragonsVolcanoDance> joined the game.
[2024/11/21, 03:24:49 UTC]    *** <DragonsVolcanoDance> left the game.
[2024/11/21, 03:25:06 UTC]    *** <DragonsVolcanoDance> joined the game.
[2024/11/21, 03:27:01 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> wb dvd
[2024/11/21, 03:27:04 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> thx
[2024/11/21, 03:52:08 UTC]    # Server: A Dungeon Master fell prey to an explorer's deadly 'Royal Pain in the Neck'.
[2024/11/21, 04:00:19 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 3 hours.
[2024/11/21, 04:04:20 UTC]    *** <DragonHuntress> joined the game.
[2024/11/21, 04:04:50 UTC]    # Server: Most plants grow poorly near ice. Some plants won't grow at all.
[2024/11/21, 04:06:30 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> remodelling the outback?
[2024/11/21, 04:06:41 UTC]    # Server: A Giant White Wolf didn't suspect that a wrathful explorer meant him any evil.
[2024/11/21, 04:06:52 UTC]    <DragonHuntress> I'm not in the outback, that's SpiritHuntress
[2024/11/21, 04:07:05 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> hmm
[2024/11/21, 04:08:07 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> What?
[2024/11/21, 04:10:05 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> nothing
[2024/11/21, 04:13:04 UTC]    <DragonHuntress> Though, since it's new... maybe I should go collect the sunstone
[2024/11/21, 04:13:06 UTC]    *** <DragonHuntress> left the game.
[2024/11/21, 04:21:37 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> GreedHuntress... SpiritGreed.... GreedyGreed...
[2024/11/21, 04:31:56 UTC]    # Server: Death beacon detected. <DragonsVolcanoDance> became mostly dead at (Abyssal Sea: 20673,-30751,-35115).
[2024/11/21, 04:31:56 UTC]    # Server: <DragonsVolcanoDance> exploded.
[2024/11/21, 04:36:46 UTC]    # Server: Someone claimed fresh bones with 55 stacks.
[2024/11/21, 04:40:56 UTC]    # Server: Someone kicked <LGNWolfChaser> off a sled.
[2024/11/21, 04:40:56 UTC]    # Server: Death signal detected. ID and location unknown.
[2024/11/21, 04:40:56 UTC]    # Server: An explorer was scrubbed by a PO'ed Giant White Wolf.
[2024/11/21, 04:41:07 UTC]    <LGNWolfChaser> oops slowed down isntead of speeding up
[2024/11/21, 04:41:18 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> Oh dear
[2024/11/21, 04:41:35 UTC]    # Server: Someone kicked <LGNWolfChaser> off a sled.
[2024/11/21, 04:41:36 UTC]    # Server: An explorer was killed by a vexed Giant White Wolf.
[2024/11/21, 04:42:07 UTC]    # Server: Someone claimed fresh bones with 7 stacks.
[2024/11/21, 04:42:09 UTC]    # Server: A Dungeon Master fell apart under <DragonsVolcanoDance>'s attack.
[2024/11/21, 04:42:24 UTC]    # Server: A Giant White Wolf failed his weapon checks.
[2024/11/21, 04:44:35 UTC]    <DragonsVolcanoDance> bbl
[2024/11/21, 04:44:36 UTC]    *** <DragonsVolcanoDance> left the game.
[2024/11/21, 05:00:22 UTC]    # Server: Nightly restart in 2 hours.
[2024/11/21, 05:23:22 UTC]    # Server: Certain blocks are vulnerable to lava griefing even when protected, such as stone and cobble.
[2024/11/21, 05:38:00 UTC]    *** <BaguetteDreams> joined the game.
[2024/11/21, 05:47:43 UTC]    *** <BaguetteDreams> left the game.
[2024/11/21, 06:00:26 UTC]    # Server: Restarting in 60 minutes.
[2024/11/21, 06:09:29 UTC]    *** <LordOfTheRelams> joined the game.
[2024/11/21, 06:12:19 UTC]    *** <pineapplefingers> joined the game.
[2024/11/21, 06:16:04 UTC]    *** <pineapplefingers> left the game. (Broken connection.)

Displaying log from today.